Check out Part 1 here!
After a good sleep in the tent we had a yummy breakfast prepared by Boris and then set off for our second day of riding. This day we took about a 3 hour ride around the Laguna Amarga which is a large, green, saltwater lake.
The weather was overcast and really windy at times, but we still got wonderful views of the lake. These horses were so steady and we had an awesome time riding over all of the different terrains. A really amazing confidence builder for me since I had a really nasty crash off a horse a few years ago and haven´t ridden much since. The horses were so well behaved and took all of the wildlife and crazy terrain completely in stride. Justin was incredible even though he hasn’t ridden that much and even managed a long trot on one of the beaches on top of about nine hours in the saddle in two days!
We rode all the way around the lake, stopping about halfway for another tasty lunch (as Justin said, we ate well). Justin took some action shots along the way.
All too soon it was time to say good-bye to Boris and the horses! We had such an amazing time and definitely saw much more wildlife while riding than we did during the rest of our time in the park. The terrain was also completely different (as you’ll see if you check back for our hiking posts). This ride was a perfect adventure and I for one would have been happy to keep riding and riding!
Coming soon….hiking the “W”
So is it chilled to the bones windy? Does it feel sub-antarctic?
WOW i am so jealous. I feel like I could spend months doing what you just did hahah. ANY way, SO glad to hear you are back safe, I am sitting in albuquerque now waiting for my flight to San Fran and am enjoying reading about your adventures. Just had my job interview in Pagosa Springs, which is so beautiful, and the people seem super nice so we’ll see if they are still interested in me. Could be a fun summer :o) Anyway, onward with my adventure, keep enjoying yours!
Nigel, It was actually quite a reasonable temperature while we were on horseback. The second day had strong winds, but they weren’t frigid like you might expect in the middle of Patagonia. We were also prepared, with windproof coats, hats, and gloves that we could stow or wear as necessary.
Jess, Hazel and I both know that you would love it down there in Torres del Paine.. If I was you I’d keep that on my list of cool places to go. Boris and Magan did say there is a big lack of veterinarians down there!