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13th September
written by Justin

The day after we went up table mountain, we had another beautifully clear one – perfect for exploring Cape Peninsula, the bit of land that juts out to the south of Cape Town into the Atlantic.  Many people think that this peninsula is the southernmost tip of South Africa, but it isn’t, so you aren’t able to touch the Indian Ocean from anywhere near Cape Town.  We rented a car (thanks for driving, Hazel!) and started off along the coast.

On The Road Again

On The Road Again

After a little ways, and a few birding stops for Maggie, we found our way to this beautiful beach, and stopped for coffee on the deck of the red-roofed building you can see there.  It was really nice!

First Stop

First Stop

Someone on the pier had trained seals to come each day and eat bread, and takes a donation if you come and photograph them.  Unluckily for us they hadn’t yet learned how to balance a ball on their noses!

Trained Seal

Trained Seal

After that stop we pretty much continued south, to great vistas:

Rounding a Bend

Rounding a Bend

and a great restaurant where we had some really delicious fish and chips:



and then we rounded our last bend on the west coast and turned inland at the lighthouse.

Southerly Lighthouse

Southerly Lighthouse

Afterwards, we had a great experience at a place known as Boulders — but  you’ll have to wait for the next post to find out what!

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